Thursday, May 28, 2015

Strangers on a train

This entry is about one project that we have done in groups in our english class.
In my group, we are Martín, Andrés, Pau R, Esther and me.
In the project we must to choose a old movie between 1930 and 1980. With my group we choose "Strangers on a train" because we think that is a funny movie of thriller and is one of the best films of Alfred Hitchcock.
After we choose the film in the english class, we met in Martín's house to see the movie and make the scripts. When we finish, we went to record the different scenes that we had chosen before and after Pau, Andrés and Martín made the scenes and Esther and me created the presentation.
The rolls are: Naima coordinator, Esther english expert, Pau, Martin and Andrés computer expert.
Our personal opinion is very good because we think that is a fun project and we can see other films that normaly we don't see. At first we had some problems to met but at the end, everything was very well and very funny.

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