Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas cards

Hello, this entry is about the christmas cards.
Normally on Christmas, we do a sweepstakes and then we make a card to the person who has touched us.
In this case has touched me Joan and I touched to Alvaro A.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

My dream house

My dream house would be a house placed in a village near the sea or an attic in the center of New York.
If I lived in a house, it would be a large, very bright and cosy modern house with two double bedrooms.
I would like a house with wooden floors, high ceilings and big windows.
In my house I would like a large kitchen, because I love to cook, and of course I would like to have two bathrooms, one on each floor.
On the first floor, I would like to have the lounge overlooking the garden with a big TV and decorated according to my taste. The dining room would be next to the lounge, with a wooden table and on the top, a nice vase of flowers.  And the kitchen would have with a table on the middle, a big fridge and a lot of shelves.
On the second floor I would like to have a studio where I can paint, study, play the flute… As well I would have a lot of bookshelves with many books.  Also I would like to have my room decorated with paintings and photos by artists or by me. Too, I would have a large mirror, near the closet and in the middle I would have a violet carpet and in front of the bed I would take a TV. On a wall of the room, a large bookshelf with my favorite books.
On the second floor I would also like to have a terrace with a chaise-longue to see the sea.
If I have a very big house, I would like to have a large garden with a swimming pool, a small lake with many trees…
If I live in a attic I would like to have a duplex similar to the house that I just described.
Of course, if I live in a attic in the center of New York, I would like to live in a street with many shops and business.

 If I would live in one of these houses, I think that I would enjoy living in them, because such houses have very natural light and I would not feel enclosed.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Hello!! This entry is about the TIMELINE.
 That is my timeline and is a project that we do to learn verb tenses.

Friday, October 3, 2014

If my house was burning...

  • NAME: Naima Kientz
  • AGE: 14 years
  • LOCATION: Valencia, Spain
  • OCUPATION: Student

If my house was burning, I would take my phone to call the firefighters, and to communicate with my family and friends. After I would take my passport and my purse with money and my DNI.
Of course I would take my pets, my dog and my cats, because they are very important for me.
I would also take my computer, because I have a lot of photos that I want inside, films, series... and so many things that are very important for me.
As well I would take my camera, because I love to take photos and it is a present from my parents.
Also I would take one of my favorites books: "The fault in our stars" and my ebook because I have many books that I want to read inside.
If my house was on fire, I would never forget my teddy bear that my aunts gave me on my first birthday and the bracelet that my grandmother gave me when I was six.
I would take my flute too, because I love it and is very expensive.
Finally, if my house was on fire, I would take my glasses, because I need it to see well.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

O.V.P: The maze runner

Hi, this entry, is about the Original Version Project.
The project is to do a job about a film in original version.
In this case I went  with Vera, Esther, Pau G, Paola and me, to the cinema, to see  The maze runner. After, we have done this presentation.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Hello, today I'm going to talk about Maleficent, directed by Robert Stromberg and produced by Joe Roth.

The story is about Maleficent, a fairy who lives in a magical forest kingdom. When she as a young girl, she falls in love with a human peasant boy named Stefan, but his mutual affection for Maleficent is overshadowed by his ambition to become king. So one year later when the kingdoms are in war, the king of the human kingdom said that who kills Maleficent, will be the new king. Stefan who wants are the king, cut the wings of Maleficent. Maleficent swears revenge on Stefan; When she has his first child, a daughter named Aurora. Maleficent curses her to fall into a sleep on her 16th birthday.

The characters are: Angelina Jolie (Maleficent), Elle Fanning (Princess Aurora), Sharlto Copley (King Stefan), Sam Riley (Diaval), etc...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Looking for Alaska

Hello, in this entry I'm going to talk about the book, Looking for Alaska, written by John Green.

Miles Halter (Pudge), is fascinated by famous last words–and tired of his safe life at home. He leaves for boarding school to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the “Great Perhaps.” Much awaits Pudge at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny, screwed-up, and dead sexy, Alaska pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart.


Miles Halter: The protagonist. Tall and skinny, his friends at Culver ironically nickname him "Pudge". He is attracted to Alaska Young.
Alaska Young: The wild, moody, unpredictable, beautiful and enigmatic girl who captures Miles' attention and heart. She acts as a confidant to her friends, frequently assisting them in personal matters, as well as dealing in cigarettes and alcohol.
Chip Martin: Five feet tall but "built like Adonis", he is Alaska's best friend and Miles' roommate. His nickname, the Colonel, comes from his being the strategic mastermind behind the schemes that Alaska concocts.
Takumi Hikohito: A surprisingly gifted MC/hip-hop enthusiast, and friend of Alaska and Chip.
Lara Buterskaya: She is Alaska's friend and eventually became Miles' ex-girlfriend.
Mr. Starnes: The stern Dean of Students at Culver Creek. He is nicknamed "The Eagle" by Chip.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The fault in our stars

Hello, today I'm going to talk about one of my favorites books, named The fault in our stars.

The Fault in Our Stars is written by John Green.

The book tells the story about Hazel, a young teenage who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and attends a cancer support group.

In the cancer support group, Hazel meets a young boy named Gus who has had osteosarcoma, but has recently had the all clear. He is charming, happy, teaser, witty...

Hazel and Gus embark on a roller coaster ride of emotions, love, sadness and romance, while searching for the author of their favourite book. They travel to Amsterdam in search of Peter Van Houten the author of An Imperial Affliction.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hello, in this entry I am going to talk abouth Divergent.

The director is Neil Burger, the film is based on the book "Divergent" by Veronica Roth.

Divergent is the story of a society that is divided into five categories: Truth, Abnegation, Daring, Friendliness and Scholarship. All members of this society have to choose at an early age, sixteen, which side believe belong, according to their most important personal virtues. This dilemma is the protagonist, Beatrice, that surprises all their relatives and friends with the decision issue. Beatrice, who later renamed Tris has to find its proper place, but it is not like the rest. A secret that could be definitively described to maintain social order and also to save his own life.

The characters are: Shailene Woodley (Beatrice), Theo James (Tobias), Jai Courtney (Eric), Zoë Kravitz (Christina), Ansel Elgort (Caleb), Kate Winslet (Jeanine), Ray Stevenson (Marcus), Miles Teller (Peter), etc...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Every cloud has a silver lining

People sometimes say that every cloud has a silver lining to comfort somebody who's having problems. They mean that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even paiful it might seem.

This idiom goes back to at least the first half of the 19th century, as it is used in The Atlas newspaper, printed in the 1840s. The idea for this phrase is that when things are looking dreary, there's always a brighter side; the comparison looks to be drawn from how dark clouds have a brighter side to them: their “silverlinings”. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Managed to clone the first time ever adult human cells

Scientists in the U.S. claims to have succeeded for the first time in history cloning cells from an adult human.

Cloning stem cells for tissue culture, required to date embryonic cells. However, researchers at the Center of Advanced Cell Technology of Marlborough, in the U.S., have achieved at present, similar results using cells from two adult men who their age range was between 35 to 75 years old.

Scientists cloned cells of two adults to create embryos in early stages. Later, they obtained tissues from such embryos that perfectly replicated DNA from donors, shows the study, published in the journal “Cell Stem Cell”.

This achievement reachs a milestone in the field of medicine because this now known as 'therapeutic cloning' adult cells could help develop treatments for diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

The results of the investigation, led by the American scientist Robert Lanza , have also generated controversy because there are people who says could be the first step towards human reproductive cloning.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Exchange with France

What is the project?
The project is to make an exchange, for one week with another school of another country.
First, we go to french houses and then the french come to our homes.
When we go to France, with the college of our correspondent, we do activities and we go to visit places. And with the family we watch TV, we play with the wii, we do homework, we go shopping, we do parties...

My personal opinion and my experience:
My experience in the exchange is very good, because I understood very well with the french family, they treated me very well, I really like my correspondent and his family. Also I like because I learn much french and english, other customs...
I think that make an exchange is very good because you learn other languages, other customs and meet people from other countries.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New year's eve

Hello, now I´m going to talk about the new year´s eve.

At 20:30 o'clock I´m going to Juana´s house. In Juana´s house, we met Marina, Sara, Maria Colomina, Silvia, Juana, Vera, Yoli, Elena, Paola, Angela, Esther and me.

After, we took pictures, we were playing "I never", ...
Then, for dinner, we took pizza, and for drink coca cola. After dinner we took the grapes, seeing the bells on the computer, and then we took a toast with champagne.
Later, we are talking, playing, etc...

27 of December, My birthday!

Hello, In this entry, I´m goig to talk about my birthday (27 of december).

On my birthday, we met all my family and some friends at my mother´s house.

At 13:00 o'clock people started to come and then give me my presents (my present is a reflex camera). After, we get to eat and for dessert, we take the cake.
Later, all the children go to play and while the fathers are talking and taking the coffee, tea...

At 21:00 o'clock people start to leave.

Christmas day

Hello, today I´m going to talk about christmas day in my family.

I like this day because I go to my aunt´s house and give me presents.

At 13:30 o'clock I go to my aunt´s house. When we arrive we take the presents of "Santa Claus". My presents are a scarf and an american jacket, the presents of my family are a scarf, notebook, bowl...

At 14:00 o'clock we eat and after, while we are eating the desserts we play cards, we talk...

Christmas eve

Hello, in this entry, I´m going to talk about my christmas eve.

I like this day because we give presents, the family we met ...

At 20:00 o'clock we go to my aunt´s house and we help make dinner. Usually get together my aunt, my father, my mother and me.
At 22:00 o'clock we start to dinner and after taking the desserts, we give the presents. Then we play some games (cards, chess...)