Sunday, January 6, 2013

The book I´ve read this christmas hollydays

Title: Swan Lake

Author: Jenny Dooley
Number of pages: 56
Level: A1
Editorial: Express Publishing       

Characters: Zigfried, Odile, Rocford and Odet. 

Sinopsis:This book is about one prince. His name was Zigfried, and he was unhappy.
One day he went to a lake. He saw a beautiful white swan.

When he came back to the castle, his mother, the queen, say: Zigfried, now you have to be a king and you have to choose a wife. So, I will organize a party.
The next day Zigfried came back to the lake and he saw the swan. But the swan changes into a princess, Odile.
Zigfried falls in love whith Odile and he want to invite her to the party. But Odile lived prisoner in an evil wizard’s tower castle and she can only want out by swan.
The day of a party appeared Odile. But she really was Odet, the wizard’s daughter.
The wizard made the magic of Odet and she is now than Odile.
Odet want to married with Zigfried but he didn’t love her.
The wizard want to married Odile but she didn’t love him.
In the party Zigfried discover this all things. Zigfried went to the wizard’s castle. There he fight whith the wizard and saved Odile.
When they came back to the Zigfried’s castle they was married. 

Personal opinion: I like this book but the history is very  typical.

Bibliography: Wikipedia

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